The way I see it...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Best part of my day

The best way to start a movie is with an ingenious monologue that leaves the viewer intrigued about what is to come. Here is your numero uno example:
"This is Jack Burton on the Pork Chop Express and I'm talking to who ever is listening out there."
"Its like I told my last wife; I says, honey I never drive faster than i can see, besides that its all in the reflexes..."
"Just listen to the ole Porkchop Express and take his advice on a dark and stormy night all right. When some wild eyed, 8 foot tall maniac grabs your neck with the back of your favorite hat up against a bar room wall and looks you crisp in the eye and asks if you paid your dues. Well, you just stare that big sucker back in the eyes and remember what ole Jack Burton always says at a time like that - Have you paid you dues Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail!"
-Jack Burton, Big Trouble in Little China
The best part of my day was definitely allowing myself some personal time with one of the greatest movies of our generation: Big Trouble in Little China


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